These are the people who bring the NLSQL AI bot to life!

This is the team making a real difference in how AI data Analytics is done.


Tetiana Bilous
PhD, MD, MSc, Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Children's Infectious Diseases, Bukovinian State Medical University, Coordinator of the Grant Policy Department of the BSMU, Member of the Sectoral Expert Council 22 Health Care of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

Dariia Vasilieva
Strategy advisor, Strategy&Finance. 14+ of investment banking experience on global capital markets. Currently Dariia is focused on private equity and venture capital.


Andrew Jones
Head of Business Development. Over 8 years of international software solution sales experience. Andrew enjoys working with customers to understand their most business-critical challenges and providing solutions to deliver true ROI.

Anton Kotseruba
Python and Django Guru with 8 years in AI, ML and Software development. His mission is to code a product that changes the world. He is the mastermind behind the technical details behind our product and is able to answer any technical questions customers have.


Mykhailo Buravkov
Chief Marketing Officer. Knows the ins and outs of AdWords and is the reason you’re reading the content on this website right now. He is in charge of all our marketing activities.

Denis Chernenko
NLSQL CEO and founder. It’s my pleasure to lead these superstars in changing the way you interact with your data. We’re all dedicated to our mission, and will do all we can to exceed our customer’s expectations.
