How to Enable BI Self-Service Analytics for your Company?

We assume managers at all organisation levels are key business decision-makers. But when managers hear about big data and analytics, what do they think? Do they comprehend how these technologies can be applied to decision-making? To take advantage of the capabilities brought by these varied mindsets, it is crucial to comprehend the distinctions between technical and non-technical employees. The gap caused by disparities between technologists and managers mindsets and education.

Due to their varied backgrounds, experiences, and training, managers and data professionals have different mindsets—different approaches to comprehending and solving problems. To take advantage of the capabilities brought by these varied mindsets, it is crucial to comprehend the distinctions between them. Thinking at these distinctions in terms of computational knowledge and contextual knowledge is one way to approach the topic. High degrees of computational knowledge are typically possessed by data professionals who specialise in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. On the other hand, managers will typically possess higher levels of contextual knowledge, which, depending on their level of education (an MBA, for instance), may include knowledge of finance, human resources, economics, and marketing, in addition to their specific areas of domain experience and expertise.

These mindset differences create data analytics bottlenecks within the organisation. A lot of managers are hungry for data to back up their business decisions, but they are not technology-bound enough to get these analytics themselves because data experts capacity is limited mainly to support TOP managers with strategic business decisions.

The gap caused by the disparities between technologists and managers needs to be minimised with Self-Service Analytics Tools for managers.

Managers then can use this information in combination with their knowledge, experience, and insights to improve their decision-making.

Similar to google search but with a chat interface, which can ask additional questions in case of ambiguous meanings based on complex variations of enterprise databases. Self-service Analytics tools can detect ambiguous notions and double-check each of them with additional questions to the managers in order to provide the most accurate calculations that fit the personal knowledge model of the user.

Create Your Self-Service Analytics tool for your Company
