Empower Your Business with Access Data Lakes with Natural Language Queries

As businesses grow and evolve, the need for efficient and effective data analysis becomes increasingly important. Microsoft Fabric, a unified data analytics platform, has emerged as a powerful tool that consolidates all your data into a single data lake. However, accessing and analyzing this data can still be a challenge, especially for non-technical front-line employees. That's where NLSQL comes in, a natural language processing solution that enables users to access data in Microsoft Fabric data lakes and other data sources using simple, everyday language.

NLSQL + Microsoft Fabric = A Powerful Combination

Microsoft Fabric is a comprehensive data analytics platform that gathers all your data into one data lake, making it easier to manage and analyze. However, traditional SQL queries can be complex and difficult for non-technical users to understand. This is where NLSQL comes in, providing an intuitive solution that allows users to access data using natural language questions in a chat interface.

The Copilot product is an excellent tool for text generation, as it may assist in generating SQL queries. However, it doesn't cater to the needs of non-technical front-line employees. NLSQL bridges this gap by empowering all users, regardless of their technical expertise, to access and analyze data within Microsoft Fabric data lakes and other data sources.

One of the key advantages of NLSQL is its customizability. It can be tailored to fit your business's unique indicators and calculation methodologies, ensuring that the data you access is relevant and actionable. Moreover, NLSQL can be easily integrated into your existing IT ecosystem without requiring any sensitive or confidential data to be transferred outside your corporate network.

NLSQL is designed to be easy to deploy and intuitive to use, even for non-data experts. Its natural language processing capabilities enable users to ask questions and receive answers in a conversational manner, making data analysis more accessible and user-friendly. By empowering operational business decisions with NLSQL, you can ensure that your entire team has access to the insights they need to drive your business forward.

Deploy NLSQL from Azure
