We’ve got funded by German Federal Ministry!
We’re excited to announce that we’ll be diving deeper into the healthcare sector with funding from the German Federal Ministry.
By partnering with Clinomic GmbH, we can co-ordinate building a Natural Language User Interface for ICU databases in the German healthcare sector. It will help hospital staff get quick and easy access to medical data using only Natural Language with a simple and intuitive text interface.
Medical staff take care of the most important thing in life—human life! We’ve all had to deal with the illness of friends or loved ones. The actions and decisions of these brave medical personnel goes far beyond the lives of the patients, but that of an entire family. It isn’t a job they can resign from—once you’re a doctor, you’re always a doctor, regardless of any circumstances.
We feel a personal duty to help these tireless professionals and help make their jobs a little bit easier. While our contribution is but one drop in the sea, we’re proud to make this drop real!