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Overcoming the Biggest Problems for Doctors with ICU Patients Data Accessibility through NLSQL for Healthcare

Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are critical areas in hospitals where patients with life-threatening conditions are treated. The success of patient care in ICUs depends on timely access to accurate and comprehensive data. Unfortunately, doctors often doesn’t have data analytics skills and face multiple challenges in accessing and interpreting this data. This blog post highlights biggest problems for doctors with ICU patients data accessibility:

1. Data Fragmentation
ICU patients often have multiple sources of data, including electronic health records, lab results, and imaging studies. This data is often scattered across various systems, making it difficult for doctors to have a comprehensive view of a patient's health in dynamic.
—> By integrating with existing hospital systems, NLSQL for Healthcare can consolidate information from multiple sources into a single, unified chat interface. This allows doctors to access all relevant patient data through intuitive interface, eliminating the need to navigate multiple systems.

2. Time …

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Empower Your Business with Access Data Lakes with Natural Language Queries

As businesses grow and evolve, the need for efficient and effective data analysis becomes increasingly important. Microsoft Fabric, a unified data analytics platform, has emerged as a powerful tool that consolidates all your data into a single data lake. However, accessing and analyzing this data can still be a challenge, especially for non-technical front-line employees. That's where NLSQL comes in, a natural language processing solution that enables users to access data in Microsoft Fabric data lakes and other data sources using simple, everyday language.

NLSQL + Microsoft Fabric = A Powerful Combination

Microsoft Fabric is a comprehensive data analytics platform that gathers all your data into one data lake, making it easier to manage and analyze. However, traditional SQL queries can be complex and difficult for non-technical users to understand. This is where NLSQL comes in, providing an intuitive solution that allows users to access data using natural language questions …

Deploy NLSQL from Azure


How to extract business value through data analytic?

At this article we are going to elaborate on real business value example delivered through data analytics for a petroleum company, that was using the cutting-edge NLSQL technology to manage their daily operations. The company has over 339 petrol stations across England, Scotland, and Wales, and each station manager had access to the NLSQL Microsoft Teams App. This app helped them with their routine queries about gas, diesel sales, electricity consumption, utilities charges, and convenience store sales and stock.
One day, an unexpected insight was born for one of the petroleum station managers. Due to a recent increase in electricity prices, he decided to dig deeper into the electricity consumption data of his petrol station. With the help of the NLSQL Teams App, he made an analysis of electricity consumption per litre of fuel sales for different time periods.
To his surprise, he discovered that the electricity consumption per litre …

Extract business value from your company data now


Revolutionising Clinical Data Management

The synergy between real-time calculations and AI knowledge-base can help researchers identify patterns and insights that might be missed using manual analysis methods before, that’s why the need for efficient and user-friendly data management systems has become more crucial than ever. This is particularly true in the field of clinical data management, where the accurate and timely analysis of vast amounts of information is vital for making informed decisions. NLSQL has emerged in recent years with Natural Language Querying (NLQ) capabilities and AI powered personalised insights generation. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using NLSQL in clinical data management.
NLSQL is a cutting-edge technology that enables users to access and analyse data using natural language queries. Instead of relying on complex coding or SQL queries, users can simply type or speak their questions in plain English, and the system will retrieve the relevant information from the …

Try NLSQL for your clinical data analytics

How to Generate SQL with AI?

In today's fast-paced world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. One area that has seen a significant transformation is the way we interact with databases. Traditional SQL queries can be time-consuming and require a deep understanding of database structures. But what if there was a way to simplify this process?
Enter NLSQL, an AI-powered tool that allows users to generate SQL queries using natural language. NLSQL is a cutting-edge AI technology that enables users to interact with databases using natural language. It eliminates the need for complex SQL queries, making it easier for businesses to access the information they need quickly and efficiently. With NLSQL, you can simply ask a question in plain English, and the AI will generate the corresponding SQL query for you.

Key Steps of How to start NLSQL:
1. Understand Your Use Case. Before you can start generating SQL …

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